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Delivering, not breaking, the news - PRS Student Journalism

The Egg

Delivering, not breaking, the news - PRS Student Journalism

The Egg

Delivering, not breaking, the news - PRS Student Journalism

The Egg


The Egg is a student-run news publication at Pacific Ridge School in Carlsbad, California. Our philosophy, policy and contact information are below.


At The Egg we take pride in covering the news in a dedicated and rigorous manner. When delivering the news to the Pacific Ridge School community we want to be as clear and diligent as possible, getting opinions from a diverse and representative range of sources on campus and beyond. This is far different from “breaking” the news, which seems to be a focus in modern day media. Contemporary media has become far more rushed and fast-paced, driven by the exponential growth of technology. As a result certain points of information and understanding are missed, creating a more polarized atmosphere across the United States and the rest of the world.

The Egg strives to reverse this trend, changing the way that media works and connecting people instead of dividing. We believe in freedom of expression, even lively debate, but not in a needlessly negative, careless or rushed kind of journalism. We take our time, so that we can check things out thoroughly for every story, but we may still make mistakes sometimes. When we do make mistakes, we will acknowledge them, publish corrections and keep on learning and growing right along with our readers.


Articles, editorials and personal opinion pieces (in print and/or multimedia) published in The Egg do not represent the views of Pacific Ridge School. They are produced by students at Pacific Ridge School, working as journalists under the free speech protections of the “Leonard Law” (California Education Code Section 48950), that being the state of California’s current legal interpretation of First Amendment rights for students in private and public school settings. Quotes and opinions from students or others not on The Egg staff do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication’s staff or of Pacific Ridge School. The Egg does not undergo prior review or restraint from Pacific Ridge School. Work published in The Egg is edited for clarity and length by peer student journalists and the faculty adviser/s. Feedback on accuracy, and suggestions for corrections of fact, are welcome and will be reviewed for follow-up action by the student staff of The Egg.


The Egg is published by student journalists at:

Pacific Ridge School,

6269 El Fuerte,

Carlsbad, California 92009.

Tel: (960) 448 9820

Faculty adviser 2021-24: Kieran Ridge (kridge at pacificridge dot org)

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